Based on the information you entered, our analysis is not producing value for buyers to purchase this policy. However, this answer can change based on the additional details of your situation. You should contact us and discuss a situational analysis to help determine what your best options are.
Call us: 561-963-5101This is not a formal offer to purchase this policy. This is an initial valuation of a life insurance policy built with the answers you supplied regarding the insured’s health and the insurance details. Our analysis also includes factors from the current market conditions, which could effect the value of the policy. This valuation is a conservative estimate and is based on assumptions that will need to be tested should you decide to formally request a free appraisal of your policy.
When it comes to a Life Settlement, you have a choice of working with a broker or a direct buyer. Most people find that working with a broker creates additional value and reveals the best outcome for the policy. Learn more about the advantages of working with SBA.